
The Secret Behind Cashmere's Price

August 4, 2023

For centuries, this fine fiber has been synonymous with opulence and comfort, making it a cherished possession in the wardrobes of many. However, the reputation of cashmere being expensive has deterred some from indulging in this sumptuous fabric. But how does GOBI cashmere stand out by offering the most affordable price thanks to their direct sourcing to production approach?

Understanding Cashmere Price
Before delving into GOBI's exceptional pricing strategy, let's first understand why cashmere has traditionally been considered a high-end luxury item.
Rarity: Cashmere comes from the soft undercoat of cashmere goats, which are mainly found in specific regions such as Mongolia, China, and parts of Central Asia. These goats produce a limited amount of precious cashmere fiber each year, making it a rare commodity.
Labor-Intensive Production: The process of gathering cashmere is labor-intensive, requiring delicate hand-combing of the goats during their shedding season. Afterward, the collected fibers must be meticulously sorted to remove impurities and ensure the highest quality.
Craftsmanship: The manufacturing of cashmere garments involves skilled craftsmanship, including spinning the delicate fibers into yarn and carefully knitting or weaving them into luxurious products.

Demand and Branding: The allure of cashmere has driven high demand, and prestigious fashion houses have capitalized on their reputation, setting premium prices to match the exclusivity.
GOBI Cashmere: The Affordable Luxury
GOBI, a renowned cashmere brand, stands apart from the rest by providing affordable cashmere without compromising on quality. Their secret lies in their unique business model, which eliminates intermediaries, allowing customers to enjoy luxurious cashmere at a reasonable price.
Here's how GOBI manages to achieve this:
Direct Sourcing: GOBI sources its cashmere directly from the herders in Mongolia. By bypassing middlemen, they establish fair and transparent relationships with the herding communities. This not only ensures a sustainable income for the herders but also guarantees that customers get authentic and premium quality cashmere.
Vertical Integration: GOBI follows a vertically integrated approach, meaning they control the entire production process from sourcing to manufacturing and distribution. By owning their factories, they can maintain quality standards and keep production costs in check.
Minimized Markup: Traditional retail involves several levels of markup, each contributing to the final retail price. With GOBI's direct-to-consumer model, unnecessary markups are avoided, allowing the savings to be passed directly to the customer.
Ethical and Sustainable Practices: GOBI places great emphasis on ethical and sustainable practices. Their direct involvement with the herders ensures fair compensation and humane treatment of animals. Furthermore, their vertically integrated approach reduces waste and ensures efficient resource utilization.
Transparency and Customer Trust: GOBI believes in complete transparency, providing customers with insights into their sourcing and manufacturing processes. This level of openness fosters trust and loyalty among customers.

While cashmere has long been perceived as an exclusive luxury, GOBI cashmere is breaking barriers and making this exquisite fiber accessible to a broader audience. By adopting a direct sourcing-to-production model, GOBI successfully eliminates middlemen, embraces sustainability, and delivers premium-quality cashmere at affordable prices. Their commitment to ethical practices, coupled with transparency and craftsmanship, ensures that you not only look and feel good in their cashmere products but also feel good about your purchase. So, if you've been yearning to embrace the comfort and elegance of cashmere, GOBI is the brand that offers an enticing combination of affordability and luxury.

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